четвъртък, 13 юни 2013 г.

How to get him to fall in love with you

 First of all you do not need to act unnatural or to change completely, to make the man to feel comfortable with you. If you want him to fall in love then use few ways of behavior that men like.

Start from the wardrobe. Attractive appearance is the best way to get his attention. Just don't dress with too revealing clothes because then you will be perceived in a totally different way...Yo do not want that! You want him to feel like the alpha male, because from all other men around this wonderful woman has chosen exactly him. And he needs to make everything possible that it stays like this.

Then the appropriate manners. be feminine, smile often and don't be too pretentious. Listen, don't interrupt, don't talk about topics you are not competent about. And watch out your language- the arrogant women are not likable. The other important tactic is to not be easy to get. Because if you are fast to jump in bed with a man, the possibility for him falling in love with you is insignificant. There needs to be a hunt. Give him hints but don't him close in. If you play your cards he will be soon yours.

And not last- you need to be different. If you don't want him to perceive you as one of many, don't act like one. Don't be shy to show your individuality, talents, views of life. have an opinion, defend it but don't impose it.You should be very careful with the imposing, because men don't fall in love fast- they need time. And your biggest mistake would be to press them, to show up uninvited or bother them. Display understanding about his needs and his privacy and he will soon find out that he can't live without you.

5 signs that he loves you more than you think

How can you know he loves you without him saying the words?
Instead of of waiting for him to say the coveted words "I love you" and tormenting yourself over it, just focus on the small details that show you the truth. No need to make scandals for him to say it. Even tough some couples like to play it this way- the sex is better after some quarreling they say. Well some people live like this for years above the scandals and the get-together. If you have your rules for this, and you both are OK with this type of relationship, then nothing can stop you. Still in woman's head this question stays-" Does he love me?". Here are the signs you should look for. 
1. What his words say?
Does he speak for your future together, let's say about vacation with you?
Does he help you when you have problems?
Does he joke when you are together?
Does he use the "love" word in your conversations- for example "I love to spend my mornings with you"?
So let's try and get beyond the sense of his words.Rest assured that from the way he talks you can discover how he feels.
If he does make plans for your future and they reach till next summer that means he is crazy about you and wants to spend with you every possible moment. If his thoughts reach only till tomorrow's day that means that your man is in guarding position.
The way he treats your problems is quite indicative. The loving man supports each your decision, and it does not matter if he would take the same decision if he was in your shoes.
If he's not embarrassed to joke with you, that means he feels comfortable around you and in your relationship.
The most significant of all this is how often he uses the word "love" in your conversations. If he tells you how much he loves to take shower with you, to cuddle, to go out or whatever activity, what he avoids to say is he loves you! Don't you think that man who finds all your time spent together for adventure is actually all yours?
2.What does his body say?
He holds your hand when you are outside?
Does he like to touch you?
When you speak does he look you in the eyes?
Do you burst in laughter simultaneously? 
If you learn to read the body language of your boyfriend will save you time, used to think about what does he feel. The body language doesn't lie! 
No man can disguise his feelings all the time. The men are not good enough with discovering the signs of body language, but the women are even instinctively capturing those signs. If your man doesn't like expressing his feelings in public, it absolutely doesn't mean that he does not love you. What actually shows if a couple is in love is the synchronization of their movements. They often get used to the other's even smallest gesture and it happens that they do the things at the same time. For example if they drink together they reach out for their cups at the same time. If one of them is loosing interest then the synchronization ceases to exist. The simultaneous laughter is also sign of love. And when you are in love it often happens that you find the same things funny as him and laugh at same jokes. If the love starts to die out the things that you once thought are extremely funny, become very annoying. 
The eye contact is deciding factor for the communication of a couple. If the love is vanishing then the eye contact becomes less than 30% of the time spent together. At best times it's about 70%.
3.What are his eyes saying?
Did you discuss what the cheating means for your relationship?
Do you laugh together if you catch his look gazing at the hot chick on the next table?
What do you think about the friendly meetings with his ex?
You know about cheating in his previous relationship, but does he make you feel confident that he won't do the same to you? 

The cheating is a taboo, that can ruin your relationship. But despite that for some men the flirt and even the touching of another female after few drinks doesn't mean anything if he isn't in love with the woman. He just used a possibility that appeared before him.
From the beginning be clear on what is allowed and what isn't. That's the only way he will respect your opinion on the matter. Obviously sexual relationship with another woman is unforgivable but do not worry if he is just looking some attractive woman. That's his nature. The only thing that matters is how you both react to your natural instincts. Admit it, you taken a look too at the young handsome man at the gas station or the one in the subway station you was sitting next to waiting for the train.
About the friendship with the ex... it's hard to understand but it's not criminal offense to have woman friend, even if she was something more once. It's important to trust the judgment of your boyfriend. What will repel him the most is your mistrust. The way to success is to speak openly for everything. If he committed mistakes in the past that doesn't mean that he will repeat them now. Still it's good to ask why he cheated instead of making scary conclusions without even hearing his reasons. You can both learn from previous mistakes. The ones who can live in happy and long relationship are those who not only receive, but give in return. 
4.What do his sexual habits say?
Is his sexual desire the same when he is sober and when he is drunk?
Do you feel emotionally attached when you are making love.
Does he like the long foreplay?
If he doesn't want to have sex does he use the stress from work as excuse?
Does he love you?
It's hard to give an answer from just his sexual habits, but here it's about passion, libido, power and some other factors.
What can help you in the analysis of his feelings is the change of his sexual behavior in different moments. Does he still look at you with tenderness? Is he attentive enough towards your needs, as he is with his? When he speaks to you in bed does he make you feel special? Every man has his own sexual style. So just your intuition can tell you if he is in love with you or his feelings are gone.
If he starts to act like he does it from obligation then you have a problem. But if only his desire diminished a little don't over think it. Every man has less desire for sexual activities when he is subject of 50 hours work week or drinks often. The low libido is often caused by stress instead of lost feelings. The best way to find out the answer is to make him feel powerful, irresistible, great lover . And then you should ask him what is his conception about your relationship and your sexual life. 

5.What are his arguments saying?
After hearing his reasons do you feel that everything is cleared out?
Does he apologize easy after fight?
Does he sometime avoid to give reasons?

After committing a mistake does he try to change his behavior?
The good arguments help you discover the the truth. Sometimes they finish with apologizing, other time with sincere attempts to fix your future behavior.
There are also healthy quarrels... no kidding! Those are when you both win and they make your relationship stronger. Well most of the scandals are not from this type. Which ones to avoid?
Avoid at any cost the ones caused by  small things like who payed the check. Those quarrels are usually from the type where each wants to see who is more powerful in the relationship, who is leading and who is left in the passive position. You can solve this problem if you fast discover what is the reason for the dispute.
This always happens with delay, so in the meantime try to find new ways to hear out each other's points of view, till you find the crossing point. There is nothing bad in the disputes because the relationships are based on constant  exchange of opinions. Even in the middle of a fight there are things that show his love towards you. the way he is listening to you shows how much he is interested in you. If he is mocking you that's awful and you should tell him. If he refuses to give his arguments that means he is trying to avoid clashing and is trying to avoid frictions. Another key moment is the apologizing. The hardest thing for many people is to make the other say "I'm sorry". For some men this is quite humiliating and they will never say it. It's up to you to decide can you accept it and live with it, and can he find another way to show his apology.

сряда, 12 юни 2013 г.

5 signs that you found the Love

The Love always comes unexpected
There is nothing better that this warm feeling that makes you smile constantly.Yes,that's love. If you are still wondering if you met it - here are 5 signs that will help you find out the truth.

Butterflies in your belly
If every time when you think about this man you feel butterflies, then you are in love. That's the most certain way to find out your feelings.

You love your phone
If you are constantly looking at your phone and don't leave it even for a moment, most likely you are expecting him to call you. But you know, it's not necessary to put it under your pillow before you go to sleep.

You feel restless
If at one moment you are nervous, and at the other you feel great, then you are in love. The tempestuous feelings are ruling your  mood- now you are irritated, but after five minutes you are tremendously happy.

He is so cool, smart, funny...
Admit it- you are constantly praising him in front of your girlfriends! "He is so smart!I don't know man funnier than him! She is so intelligent and handsome..." sounds familiar, doesn't it?

How do I look?
lately you are often asking yourself this question. Even though you are so busy and you don't have time for lunch, you still find a minute to check out the mirror and think how would you look if accidentally you run into him at the street. Job well done, you are in love! Now enjoy this wonderful feeling!

7 traits of the bad girls that men adore

It's true that most of the men don't engage in relationship with "bad girl", but it's also true that this kind of chicks attract them  powerfully. So much that no one of them would refuse a girlfriend with few traits of the "bad girl". See for yourself which are those and you will understand why.

  1. She's naughty. She doesn't pretend to hate porn and is not afraid from new sexual adventures. You will never get bored in the bed with her.
  2. The bad girl is sexy!You will not see her in her grandma's knits even if it's freezing outside. She dresses well and looks fabulous wherever she is at work, at the party or at home.
  3. She is seductive like a little devil that bewitches with just a single glance. She knows how to flirt and get  the men to desire her.
  4. She's exactly as she is! The bad girl doesn't care how she looks in the eyes of others. She is not afraid to go against the rules and doesn't feel the necessity of approval. 
  5. She doesn't wait her man to make romantic gesture. She inspires him to do it!
  6. She is direct. While you caress and calm down your partner, who is on the brink of ruin, she will tell him straight in the eye where he did wrong and will give him few versions of a plan to act on.
  7. She doesn't take the things too deep. She wont sit and cry over him not calling on time. Or if he picked to go out with friends instead of cuddling with her at home. She will dress up super sexy and will go out in town to have fun. And for not choosing her company, it's his loss only!

8 types of women he falls for

1.Affectionate woman 
He needs to know how you feel about him. 
You do not have to repeat "I love you" over and over.That will surely irritate him and he can even decide that what you're saying is not true and you are doing it out of habit.A man will say the words once and prove it five times over, so just do it the same way!
2.Good listener
Most of the men value women who can listen
Show him that his problems interest you. Do not use sentences like "I told you so" or "If it was me then...". Be patient, because sometime men need time to assimilate their problems before they can talk about it. Tell him that you are next to him and that he can talk to you when he needs it.
3.Strong woman
Men like strong women.
Man who says otherwise has either  inferiority complex or is big liar. The men like to see you fighting the difficulties alone, because they need to know that you can keep their back in hard times, if needed. But of course let him show his manliness and save you from time to time, like a knight in shining armor.
4.Entertaining woman.
Men like and seek women with sense of humor, when they want to settle down. Is it because they mean to joke all the time in the future or because they want someone with positive way of thinking, we do not know, but the sense of humor is extremely important.
5.Successful woman
Women who like what they do for a living are more desirable for the men.
It does not mean big revenues, but sense of fulfillment. you will be perfect for them if you are in peace with yourself, do like yourself and look positively at life.
6.Woman, capable of compromises 
Men feel better together with women who are wiling to make compromises and find solutions for their problems, which are good for everyone involved.
7.Woman, which enjoys food
We do not tel you to overload yourself with steaks and junk-food, but to be responsible and look for healthy food. He just wants to go out on dinner with you and that you can share and enjoy your meal, instead of counting calories. 
8.Well kept woman
We do not talk about beautiful women and supermodels, but about simple things as taking care of your split ends, getting rid of hairs on unpleasant places or giving up nibbling your nails.

Which type of chick are you?

Women are vortex of emotions and feelings. And not always the hormones are the ones to talk. The women are very intelligent and quite intuitive beings. We will tell you about the basic qualities that each type of woman holds.

The considerate woman is keen to make compromises. She often thinks first for her better half and then  for herself..She would always choose the love instead of her career. She needs intimacy and love. She dreams  for her man to make her feel special, like she does it for him. She desires that her man accomplishes big sacrifices for her, to never give up their relationship, and sometimes to even disregard his friends. She is dreaming about the prince who will make her dreams come true.
There is nothing bad in being romantic, but she is often left misunderstood by the men. They like women with strong character, and are not clear enough about what exactly does she want. She makes gestures for her boyfriend, but with that, if she wants something she just needs to tell him straight. Don't let him take guesses.

The passive woman loves to feel independent.She do not like to overwork herself for her partner and make many compromises. She doesn't let the man get to her inner self and prefers that he is the one who initiates more serious relationship. She is often over thinking and analyzing, wondering if this is the right man for her.  
It's extremely hard for her to let go and just be happy. She loves her personal space and gives enough such for her partner. Men like this. But the passive woman rarely expresses deep feelings and emotions and that confuses her other half. It's important that sometimes she shows him that she loves him and that she cares about him.

The composed woman believes in true love and is quite amorous. She doesn't want overly dramatic relationships, likes when the things go smoothly and follow their natural way. She doesn't rush things out, likes when the things wrap up easy and without hassle. She often backs off from arguments, even when she knows she's right simply because she doesn't like quarrels. She believes that  communication fortifies the relationship, and she is right on the money. The men feel little bit uneasy because she never vents- that's unnatural for them. She is very  attractive, because such kind of women are quite rare.