четвъртък, 13 юни 2013 г.

How to get him to fall in love with you

 First of all you do not need to act unnatural or to change completely, to make the man to feel comfortable with you. If you want him to fall in love then use few ways of behavior that men like.

Start from the wardrobe. Attractive appearance is the best way to get his attention. Just don't dress with too revealing clothes because then you will be perceived in a totally different way...Yo do not want that! You want him to feel like the alpha male, because from all other men around this wonderful woman has chosen exactly him. And he needs to make everything possible that it stays like this.

Then the appropriate manners. be feminine, smile often and don't be too pretentious. Listen, don't interrupt, don't talk about topics you are not competent about. And watch out your language- the arrogant women are not likable. The other important tactic is to not be easy to get. Because if you are fast to jump in bed with a man, the possibility for him falling in love with you is insignificant. There needs to be a hunt. Give him hints but don't him close in. If you play your cards he will be soon yours.

And not last- you need to be different. If you don't want him to perceive you as one of many, don't act like one. Don't be shy to show your individuality, talents, views of life. have an opinion, defend it but don't impose it.You should be very careful with the imposing, because men don't fall in love fast- they need time. And your biggest mistake would be to press them, to show up uninvited or bother them. Display understanding about his needs and his privacy and he will soon find out that he can't live without you.

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